Tuesday 27 March 2012

Day 77

As they were about to justify themselves, the guard motioned them across the threshold and through the massive gate; he seemed uninterested in their explanations.

As soon as they stepped through, they were overwhelmed by the shear scale of the massive structure they found themselves in. The small doorway they'd stepped through led into a courtyard of epic proportions, shear stone rising up into the sky on all sides.

The interior of the castle was crawling with human activity, which was in stark contrast to the seemingly primeval jungle they'd just come out of. Stable boys led horses along the edges of the courtyard, kitchen servants carried food in various stages of preparation, and several people seemed to just be congregating in the the area, casually discussing the day's events.

As they walked to where the guard was leading them, Kai leaned over to Caleb and whispered, "Can you believe it? This castle is bigger that some cities!"