The man's face was lit by the light coming from the lantern he held up in his right hand. They could see he wore a helmet, and the iron tip of a spearhead shone above his left shoulder.
Caleb and Kai glance at each other, apprehension in their eyes; was it safe to just walk up to an armed soldier in a strange world? alas, they didn't have much of a choice and so Caleb took the initiative and shouted across the black field, "Good Night! We are just wayward travelers looking for shelter."
The soldier's expression became even more confused looking; he must have deemed them nonthreatening however, as he waved them closer and said, "Come in, quickly, it is not safe to be out at night!"
They shrugged and made their way towards the small door in the massive gate. As they approached, the guard twisted his nose and shifted away from them as he said, "My goodness, you smell foul!"
Caleb and Kai glance at each other, apprehension in their eyes; was it safe to just walk up to an armed soldier in a strange world? alas, they didn't have much of a choice and so Caleb took the initiative and shouted across the black field, "Good Night! We are just wayward travelers looking for shelter."
The soldier's expression became even more confused looking; he must have deemed them nonthreatening however, as he waved them closer and said, "Come in, quickly, it is not safe to be out at night!"
They shrugged and made their way towards the small door in the massive gate. As they approached, the guard twisted his nose and shifted away from them as he said, "My goodness, you smell foul!"