Saturday, 10 March 2012

Day 60

The continued walking towards the farm in what had now become their usual fashion; silently and deep in thought.

As they crested a small hill, the first buildings of the farmstead became visible; they looked old and worn, but strangely solid. A thin wooden fence marked the borders of the property; property which seemingly stretched out to the horizon.

Caleb turned to Kai and asked, "So, what happens when we go down? Does it hurt?"

Kai let out a small giggle then replied, "No, nothing like that. It's just like a regular doorway: You simply pass through to the other side."

Caleb took this in then asked once more, "So, when we get to the bottom, we'll be in another world?"

Kai smiled and said, "Exactly. I'm not sure which world, as each portal leads to a different destination; but certainly closer to where we want to go, and further from the men pursuing us."