Thursday, 2 February 2012

Day 23

Even though they were moving rather quickly, both were trying to make as little noise as possible as they sped along. As such, it wasn't long before Caleb could hear the noise of rushing water in the distance.

To Kai, it sounded as if it came form the very from the belly of the earth, "What's that?", he whispered urgently.

Still running, Caleb replied, "Waterfall. We're gonna have to jump."

At that, Kai stumbled, but he kept running, his mission was paramount; if he had to jump off a mountain, he'd jump.

With every step the rumble grew louder, more insistent, mirroring their increasing tension.

The men in black on their tail continued their relentless pursuit; bloodthirsty predators stalking terrified prey.

Without warning, the thundering waterfall was upon them, the dense jungle giving way to a bare stone cliff edge, a vast lake in the valley below.